Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 183 | My Little Hedgehogs

The moment you've all been waiting for: the big Halloween reveal. Chase and Robbe were the cutest hedgehogs around (not that there was much competition).

We made the best trick-or-treating decision possible: head to our old (old, old) neighborhood, and Chase's namesake, for the Chevy Chase Halloween Spooktacular. Chris and I enjoyed witnessing this spectacle when we first moved to the District, without babies. Now, eight years later, here we are bringing our own little trick-or-treaters back for the event. 

Chase really got into the spirit this year with his, "Trick-or-treat!", and "Happy Halloween!", and "Thank you!". And Robbe got the best treat an almost-eight-month-old could ask for: a polka dot balloon.

We wrapped up the evening by stopping at a couple neighbors' houses before heading home to admire the loot. A super-enjoyable time was had by all.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 182 | A Healthy Halloween: Part 2

Delicious pumpkin agave muffins? Yes, please!

I've been making these muffins since I first started looking for sugar-free recipes. They are AMAZING. Not exaggerating and I promise you won't miss the sugar. I'm not going to repost the whole recipe since I actually follow the original recipe pretty closely: just leave out the salt. I've also substituted applesauce for the oil in the past and ended up with good results. One tip? Fill them pretty full because they don't rise much. 
Today, the lucky recipients were Chase's school friends for their Halloween party. And by "party," I mean they celebrated by having this special snack and using festive napkins. No costumes allowed (apparently some kids get overwhelmed by them?) so no big reveal yet. Stay tuned tomorrow. When I asked if Chase was going to tell his friends that I made the muffins, he said "no." Embarrassed by me already? That can't be true!

Side note: Grandma Mary comes today! We're picking her up post-nap and, as you can imagine, we're all a *little* excited. Chase has asked about her whereabouts at least 100 times in the last three days. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 181 | A Healthy Halloween

Another fun Wednesday at Whole Foods. Today we made several delicious (and healthy!) Halloween snacks: a clemintine pumpkin, a banana ghost, a pretzel/banana spider, and an apple mouth with marshmallow teeth (not pictured because the photo of Robbe was too cute to leave off).

These classes are taking a hiatus for the holidays and we'll sorely miss our fun (and free!) Wednesday activity.  Maybe I'll start coming up with my own toddler crafts now. A girl can dream. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 180 | Feeling Nostalgic

It's unbelievable how a smell can throw you back to another time and place in an instant, isn't it? Last week when we were at the Cape, the vacation house we stayed in sent me right back to my grandparents' house in Wisconsin. 

The smell hit me first. Somehow the upstairs and downstairs smelled exactly as my grandparents' house did. I can't even begin to explain what the smell is but I knew it after not visiting their house in almost four years. The more I looked around, the smell was just the beginning. The shuddered closet doors were in both the upstairs bedrooms. Just like at Grandma and Grandpa's. The glass shower doors were the same. I know these doors are probably very common, but I think I've only ever used two that look like this. 

I left my grandparents' house after saying goodbye to Grandma in January 2011. It didn't feel real that I would never walk into their house again and I don't think I felt all the emotions I should have when I walked out the door for the last time. Staying in the vacation home for the week was almost more emotional than that last day in a way. It brought back a flood of memories that I haven't thought about in quite some time. Although some of these memories were sad, I was overjoyed to have the unexpected reminder of my grandparents.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 179 | Unlikely Lunch Outing

After rescheduling the boys' flu shots (they ran out?), the only open appointments were over lunch. So, I packed up lunch and headed to the doctor's office today. I've got the best lunch dates around.

As if that weren't enough, the boys handled their shots like champs. No crying. Let me say that crying. Can you believe that? Such brave little guys. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 178 | Pumpkins!

 It was the perfect fall day for heading to the pumpkin patch. Unfortunately, I didn't have the needed motivation to make that trek happen. Sorry, kiddos. Instead, we had a low key morning and then headed to a cute little pumpkin sale at a local church. We pulled in at 11:10am to find out that it didn't open until noon. Urgh.

Next option? Grocery store pumpkins. Not exactly what we had in mind for Robbe's first pumpkin adventure, but after several hours, I've come to terms with it.

The important thing is that we have carved pumpkins on our front porch. See? We're festive. One thing we learned, though: a one-to-one ratio of adult to baby is not ideal when trying to carve two pumpkins. We ended up going pretty simplistic with this year's designs. I did my annual cat carving (did you know that about me?) and Chris pulled through with a much more creative train to match Chase's current obsession.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 177 | Breakfast Bonanza

Talk about a great house guest: Uncle Matt made us breakfast. Pancakes, sausage, berries, coffee, and festive napkins. What a delicious morning.

Thanks for a great visit, Matt. Yay for house guests!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 176 | Where's Nature?

I found the perfect outdoor activity to keep us entertained on this beautiful fall day: the Brookside Nature Center. The indoor part of the center had lots to offer (think turtles, puppets, books, a tent). Chase would have been content to spend the whole time inside (noted for when I'm in need of a cold weather activity), but we did convince him to get out and enjoy nature on a little hike. I'm not sure he grasped the whole "it's the journey" philosophy, however, because he kept asking, "Where's nature?"

What made the excursion even more perfect? Uncle Matt came with! Adventures are always more fun with him and we're grateful he made the time for us. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 175 | Back to Reality

Today was definitely a snap back into reality. The boys had a good night considering the late (ok, extremely late) bedtime. They woke up just in time to make it to school and just as I was taking care of the final 15 things to get out the door, I heard a knock at the door.

Surprise: the contractor showed up to fix our siding! 

A little heads up would have been nice but the work needed to get done so I can't complain too much. Don't worry, no serious issues, just some cosmetic concerns. I would have picked a different day, in case you're curious, as the risk of of shortened naps after yesterday's wonky schedule about gave me an anxiety attack. The boys actually slept through it, though. I was shocked. No, SHOCKED (that describes it better). Just shows how tired they were. 

The other photo above is capturing one of the best decisions I've made in awhile: an online grocery order. I cannot express how happy it made me to not have to squeeze in a grocery trip on top of everything else today (did I mention my brother arrived tonight so heavy cleaning and loads and loads of laundry were necessary?). Sometimes my over-planning really pays off.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 174 | Short Trip, Long Ending

The week in Cape Cod flew by remarkably fast. I guess it's good to be sad we're leaving-then we know we didn't stay too long.

I had every intention of posting our farewell group photo today but a two hour flight delay meant no recovery time tonight for downloading photos. 

Instead, enjoy the photos above of the best airport attraction we could have asked for. Chase played at the "Kids Port" for two hours, straight. And he still wasn't ready to leave. Robbe got pretty into exploring the airplanes, too. It's so nice to have a place to let crawlers roam, without it being the airport floor

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa M for spoiling us to the extreme and for all the absolutely wonderful memories. We're thankful it's only two months until we'll see you in Wisconsin!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 173 | All Aboard in Orleans

Today was a day dedicated to the choo choo train enthusiast in our group. It was a bit rainy, so we headed back to Orleans for Chase to play with a toy train on display at the Red Balloon Toy Shop (don't worry, we didn't walk out empty-handed). The store clerk clued us in on a great model train set up at a local department store and we headed there after a quick treat at the Hot Chocolate Sparrow. The trains at Snow's didn't disappoint. The ideal indoor attraction for our toddler. Thomas the Train, a current favorite, even made an appearance.

We rounded out the day, and our vacation, with a post-nap run to another beach. The First Encounter Beach at nearly-sunset was the perfect end to a lovely trip. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 172 | A Toddler's Dream

More attention than a little guy could ever hope for. Chase is living the dream. Between Grandma reading and providing hours of entertainment (think toys and stickers), Grandpa and Daddy playing downstairs (where there are pool, ping pong, foosball, and air hockey tables), and Mary Catherine obeying any whims, Chase has been well taken care of. I'm sure you were worried.

Robbe's been reeling in the attention, too, for the record. I just don't have any photos to support that claim. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 171 | Scenic Cape Cod

While the rest of the group enjoyed a baby-free breakfast, Robbe and I went for a stroll around Chatham so he could get his morning nap in. Such a sweet little town busting to the seams with unique shops, cute architecture, and spirit. With Robbe in the carrier to keep me company, we walked to the Chatham Lighthouse. I snapped some scenes on my phone that were just too perfect not to risk waking a sleeping baby for (you have to keep moving, you see).

My love affair with the Cape continues.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 170 | Another Day, Another Beach

Two gorgeous fall days in a row. Could we be any luckier?

It was a bit of a lazy morning (mostly due to a certain baby's morning nap) and then we headed out to Orleans to stroll down another beautiful beach. Robbe walked in the sand for the first time (assisted, of course), loved the ocean breeze in his hair, and was enamored with the waves. Maybe we have an ocean-lover after all (I'm sure Grandma Mary is releaved). 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 169 | A Beautiful Cape Cod Day

Today is why I love the fall. It was sunny, breezy, comfortable...the perfect jeans weather. My perfect weather.

We took full advantage of our good fortune by spending the morning at the beach. I wish I could say Chase loved the ocean as much as I did today. He's still not sold on the idea, for some reason. Crazy guy. No matter what he says, it could not have been a more picturesque, enjoyable adventure. Seriously, everything about Cape Cod is the most picturesque. 

Between the yummy donuts for breakfast, the trip to the beach (and some nearby lighthouses), and a delicious bbq dinner with the fam and Mary Catherine, today was exactly how I would want the vacation to start.

Why, yes, maybe we should move here. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 168 | We Made It

Well hello, Cape Cod.

It's been quite a day. Quite. A. Day. We started our adventure at 8am this morning (our first Uber ride went perfectly) and pulled into our vacation house at about 445pm. Whew. 

Flights were on time, babies were incredibly well-behaved and cooperative, husband was beyond patient and helpful, and the drive to the Cape was relatively uneventful. Highlights so far? 1. Chase running to meet his grandparents at the airport. So so sweet. 2. Chase's dream come true with us getting to drive a blue minivan. Can you believe how lucky we are? 

No one is in the mindset to plan too far ahead for the upcoming week (traveling is exhausting), but I'm looking forward to a wonderfully relaxing and enjoyable six days. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 167 | Too Cute to Ignore

I had a real internal conflict about what to post today. We went back to Whole Foods for another fall craft and I was set to photo journal Chase's festive painted pumpkin. 

But then the above moment happened yesterday afternoon. Could that photo be any cuter? I was digging through warm weather clothes and Chase was thrilled about trying on hats and including his brother.  Can you tell how excited Robbe was? He's mid-clap. I just couldn't let this photo slip by without being posted. You'll just have to take my word for how cute the pumpkin turned out.

*And a special shout-out to our favorite thirteen year old, Zoe. Happy birthday, sweetie. We love you lots and lots.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 166 | A Halloween Sneak Peek

For the most part, I've stuck to my goal of crafting Tuesday and Thursday mornings while Robbe naps and Chase is at school. Thirty minutes, twice a week isn't much but it's something.

The last couple of weeks have been dedicated to Halloween costume creation. I've made Chase's costumes the last two years and I couldn't leave Robbe out this year. The boys will be in matching animal costumes and that, along with the photo above, is the only clue you'll get until the big reveal on the 31st. 

Fingers crossed I can finish both costumes amidst the crazy October we've got planned. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 165 | It's Not Goodbye...

It's see you soon!

We said goodbye to Mary Catherine this morning. I'm not going to lie, there were some tears (the toddler variety), but the good news is we'll see her in just three sleeps. Goodbyes are so much easier when there's another visit on the horizon.

Can't wait to see you and your puppy at your house in a few days, MC. Woo hoo!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 164 | Movie Picnic Party

We celebrated our last night with Mary Catherine by having a Movie Picnic Party. We ate some delicious Chinese food (finally found a good one!) and watched Finding Nemo, of course.

Eating picnic-style is the best!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 163 | A Rainy, Lazy Day

I don't mind the rain. I actually kind of like it. It's nature's way of telling you to slow down and that it's ok to not be going all the time.

We took that cue this morning. Even though it was our one morning with Mary Catherine, she and I stayed in with Robbe for his morning nap while Chris took Chase to swimming lessons. It nearly killed me to not be "doing something" but the morning in was actually really lovely. We had a lazy breakfast, chatted up a storm during the nap, played some serious choo choos after lunch, and just enjoyed each other's company. Sounds wonderful, right?

With visitors, it's hard not to want to constantly entertain but I love the idea of them getting a glimpse of what our real life looks like with these two babies. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 162 | National Building Museum

The weather has turned a bit cool and dreary today so we brainstormed an indoor activity with Caia and John: to the National Building Museum!

The boys had a great time playing in the Building Zone. Robbe took a snooze on the go (top-right photo is how we accomplish this) and woke up in time to get in some play time of his own.

And we arrived back home just as the rain started. Perfect.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 161 | The Month of Visitors is Here!

 And we couldn't be more excited!

After a lunch watching airplanes land and take off, we picked up Mary Catherine. Woo hoo! When I told Chase that she landed, he said, "hip hip hooray!" Exactly how I felt. 

Not sure what our plans will end up being but Chase has outlined the following activities for Mary Catherine to do with him:
  1. Read books (check!)
  2. Play choo choos (check!)
  3. Go to Tree Park (check!)
  4. Tell a story about Marshall and Thomas (the train, that is) going to Cape Cod 
We're making good progress...and it's only been eight hours.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 160 | Apple Stampin'

Are you on the edge of your seat wondering what fantastic craft we made at Whole Foods this week? The suspense is over...

Chase used apples as a stamp on a little tote bag. He really liked this activity and kept himself very entertained with the apple and paint (as you can tell by his shirt). I did help a bit with the tote bag (I can't relinquish control completely), but I was really happy he jumped right in. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 159 | Growing Boys

Chase is 2.5 years old today! Such a big guy.

I did manage to finish my growth pole project in time for the inaugural hash mark. Chase is 35.5 inches tall according to our new birch bark tree growth chart. I hope you can tell what it's supposed to be!

And, to celebrate Robbe's latest accomplishment (he pulled himself to standing today), we measured him, too. Unofficially, of course. He's measuring in at 28 inches.

Hooray for growing boys.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 158 | Playgroup Pandemonium

Can you spot my boys? They are in there somewhere.
We ventured out on this beautiful fall day to try out a new playgroup in our area.

The group meets at Heffner Park Community Center and was pure madness (see photo above). It was 20 toddlers squished onto a 10x10 rug all fighting over (I mean, sharing) the same toys. My boys seemed to totally rise above the madness...better than me for that matter. Robbe's ability, in particular, to be enveloped by the kids and noise without being the least bit phased was shocking to me. 

Having said that, the playgroup was more organized than some I've been to in the past. It had an agenda: free play, then storytime/singing, then outdoor play. I can get behind that. It's also super flexible and relaxed so a late arrival (perfect because of Robbe's nap) is no problem. 

The verdict is still out about whether we'll return. I liked a lot about it but the shear number of people in that little room might be enough to dissuade me. That, and the fact that I have to drive (I need more walkable activities!), make me lean towards no, at least not on a weekly basis. Luckily, we can drop in whenever we want without making any sort of commitment (and it's free!). 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 157 | Takoma Park Street Festival

Our new neighborhood has their very own street festival. Fun, right? We explored booth after booth of unique crafts, activist sign-ups, nursery schools (Chase's favorite), and lots more. The nursery school booths had fun activities for the kiddos so we took advantage of a lot of projects. Chase made bubbles with a wand, decorated a "thumb-body special" picture frame (using his thumb print), drew a fun picture (kind of a big deal because he's not into coloring right now), and even got a blue balloon dog. Big day for that guy!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 156 | It's So Nice To See...

I've realized that I don't give the appropriate number of shout-outs to my husband on this blog. I could never list everything he does for our family in one post but the most impressive thing about this man, to me, is his desire and ability to put his family first no matter how exhausted/overwhelmed/drained he is. Chris always has energy for the boys, sometimes I honestly can't figure out how he does it.

He asked me yesterday if it bothers me that strangers come up to him (not infrequently) and make a comment like, "It's so nice to see a father spending time with his children." Kind of an odd statement in my opinion and I have never, no surprise, had anyone say something similar to me as a mother. I could honestly say that it doesn't bother me in the least. 

Instead, it just makes me feel even luckier that I call this man my husband and that our boys call him dad. Not everyone plays the role he does and not everyone can rock at it the way he does. 

Enough sappiness for one post. Hope you don't mind the love note. And, with that...Go Badgers!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 155 | The Zoo!

I woke up with a great idea: we should spend the morning at the National Zoo. So that's just what we did. Our goal was to get out of the house at 9am (rarely happens) and we locked the door at 8:55am. Why thank you, I will take a pat on the back for that.

It was the perfect perfect activity this morning. The weather felt very fall-like, the crowds hadn't descended yet, Chase really got into seeing the animals, we splurged and got coffee on the way in (thanks, Mom!), and Robbe even slept in the stroller (usually I put him in the carrier to sleep). See? Perfect.

A couple of long naps and an evening with dear friends will round out the day. I'm feeling very lucky.

Side note: You'll notice Chase is holding his toy Thomas train in the photo above. We've been telling lots of stories lately about the adventures of Chase and Thomas (even though he's a train, he enjoys doing the same things as Chase). We just told him the story of "Chase and Thomas Go to the Zoo" earlier this week so it seemed necessary to take Thomas with on this field trip today. He enjoyed seeing the animals, for the record.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 154 | Putting on a Happy Face

*Not every day is a dream.

It's been a rough day around our house. Robbe was up early: 6am...what's that about? Usually he sleeps until closer to 8am. Hopefully it was a one-time fluke or this girl is going to lose it.

That got the whole day off on the wrong foot. The boys have been fine, really, I just can't seem to shake my negative attitude. I pulled it together for the selfie above.Why isn't it that easy to change the trajectory of the quick smile and all the crankiness slides away.

Fingers crossed for good naps this afternoon to turn the day around. Naps solve all problems.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 153 | Happy October!

It's October! I love October....and this October, specifically: my good friend Mary Catherine is visiting, we're taking a family trip to Cape Cod with Chris's parents, and my mom's coming over Halloween. Could I (we, I mean) be any luckier? 

Because of all this anticipation, I was in the fall spirit a little early this year. I got the boys involved in the festivities, too. 

Chase used a potato to stamp "pumpkins" on the card pictured on top (idea from one of his favorite magazines) and I traced both boys' hands for the bats (idea from this catalog). As it turned out, the crafts turned into more of a solo project for me than a bonding time with them (no surprise!). 

Hope the grandparents like the seasonal fridge decorations.

*Update: we now have another visitor booked! My brother is coming in October as well. The good luck streak continues.