Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 180 | Feeling Nostalgic

It's unbelievable how a smell can throw you back to another time and place in an instant, isn't it? Last week when we were at the Cape, the vacation house we stayed in sent me right back to my grandparents' house in Wisconsin. 

The smell hit me first. Somehow the upstairs and downstairs smelled exactly as my grandparents' house did. I can't even begin to explain what the smell is but I knew it after not visiting their house in almost four years. The more I looked around, the smell was just the beginning. The shuddered closet doors were in both the upstairs bedrooms. Just like at Grandma and Grandpa's. The glass shower doors were the same. I know these doors are probably very common, but I think I've only ever used two that look like this. 

I left my grandparents' house after saying goodbye to Grandma in January 2011. It didn't feel real that I would never walk into their house again and I don't think I felt all the emotions I should have when I walked out the door for the last time. Staying in the vacation home for the week was almost more emotional than that last day in a way. It brought back a flood of memories that I haven't thought about in quite some time. Although some of these memories were sad, I was overjoyed to have the unexpected reminder of my grandparents.

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