Best part? I got it used for $50 less than the new price. Woohoo!
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Day 394 | Updated Ride
Chase got a new (ok, more revised) ride! He's been upgraded to the glider board for our stroller! Hard to say who's more excited: him or me.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Day 392 | Another Day, Another Playground
We ventured across the city today for a play date with a friend (this friend) and her daughter. Stead Park near Dupont is amazing! Recently
redone and perfect for my boys' ages. Everyone had a blast, despite the
heat creeping upon us.
I love that there are so many nice playgrounds in this city. Can't complain about that!
I love that there are so many nice playgrounds in this city. Can't complain about that!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Day 391 | Splish Splash
Look what's open for the summer! Our super nice neighborhood splash park. Woohoo!
Chris took the boys over the weekend for this season's inaugural trip but today's calmer atmosphere put both boys in the water-loving spirit. And the warm temps made the outing just perfect. I see this as a weekly outing for us this summer but I'll try not to post too many photos of it. :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Day 390 | Outdoor Car
Yesterday when we were driving to a friends house, Chase looked out the window and said "Look! An outdoor car!"
Any idea what he was referring to? A convertible! Genius, right? I thought, and continue to think, it was an excellent observation. Now he is quite sure he wants to own an outdoor car in his future. A kid can dream.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Day 389 | The New New Look of Lunch
Remember this post? That seating arrangement lasted eight and a half months before someone (Robbe) got a little too comfortable sitting close to someone else's (Chase's) food. He's a hungry guy, no question about it, but he can't possibly need more food than we're already feeding him (can you tell by the amount of food on his plate in this photo?).
The solution? Give them a bit more space. The seating arrangement has been this way for a couple of weeks now and I think I can say, for now at least, problem solved.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Day 388 | Deck Drama
What happens when you don't make any plans for a glorious four day weekend? You feel compelled to complete something on your home owner to do list. This weekend's project for us? Painting the deck.
For the record, we did not expect the task to take anywhere near as long as it did. I mean, it's a small deck. When Chris did his last round of touch ups today, we had invested 13 hours of (mostly Chris's) manual labor in this endeavor. And that didn't include any prep work (cleaning, taping, procuring supplies, etc). Whoa.
I think the thing that shocks me the most is that we actually managed to squeeze that many hours out of two days to dedicate to the project. And that's without any childcare help.
There's a very good chance we will pay to have this done next time. Remind me of that.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Day 387 | Strawberry Sunday
It's strawberry picking time in the one farm anyway. And it was a beautiful morning for picking some beautiful (and plentiful) berries. Yummy!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Day 386 | Little Swimmers
We finally made it back to the pool today for some quality family swim time. The boys took a bit to warm up (and not only because it was a tad cold), but in the end a fun time was had by all.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Day 385 | A Little Self Care
Chris is home today so I took advantage of the chance to break out of the house sans-babies for some self care time.
First on the list, a follow up appointment at the chiropractor. I know this is a bit of a touchy subject but I am incredibly grateful to have stumbled into this woman's healing hands. I've had pretty serious back problems three different times in my life and she was a miracle worker each and every time. I'm still working out some tweaking but I'm 100% improved. Thank goodness!
Second, a haircut. I realized it's been 9 months since my last cut. Oops. It was definitely needed. Nothing like getting five inches off to kick off the summer. Sorry, no photo but I'm sure you'll see it eventually.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Day 384 | The Last Day
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Chase and his teachers, Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Olsson |
A few notes about the school year:
- Chase loved every second of school and never cried when I left or hesitated to walk in the door. Such a proud mommy.
- Robbe managed to successfully nap every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-11am (ish) while Chase was at school. Amazing, right? I'm totally fine with having both boys home every day but boy, oh boy, am I going to miss the two hours a week of quiet in the morning. It'll be a year and a half before I see that again.
- The community at Saint Luke Christian Day School has been exactly what we would have wanted for Chase's first school experience. I would recommend this place to anyone.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Day 383 | Cool Before the Heat
Today is amazing. How can you beat low 70s with a blissful breeze?
We met some friends for a rousing game of tennis (toddler-style) and a lovely picnic to take full advantage of this perfect day before the heat hits (90+) next week.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Day 382 | Walking
Big walking day for me. I almost made it to 15,000 steps on my Fitbit. I'll say that I normally get around 7,500 so today was a big, big deal. I guess that's what happens when you take three long walks (one with the boys, one solo on an errand, and one with a friend). I'm sure I'll end up with 2,000 steps tomorrow now.
Chase caught the walking bug today, too. Halfway home from our long walk, he decided he wanted out of his sweet ride and joined me for the stroll (which never happens). I was so proud of the little guy for using up all his energy in a decent amount of heat. Nice work, little man. I snapped the above photo during the walk to celebrate the accomplishment.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Day 381 | Succulents
Somehow I've gotten really interested in succulents lately. I mean, they're just so simple and beautiful. I planted the shopping cart mini succulents today and am loving my completed little garden.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Day 380 | Artsy Action
Chase and I got to explore our neighborhood's newest addition this morning: the Little Loft. This was a Capitol Hill gem that we just never got around to visiting (the age just wasn't right) and now they opened a new location right up the road from us. Another walking destination...yay!
It took a little coercing, but Chase enjoyed hunting for toys in the rice table, touching (but just barely) the sculpting sand, reading books (of course he found the only non-art offering), and making a fun bookmark.
I think the chances are good we'll be back but probably still not with little brother in tow. Sorry, Robbe.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Day 379 | Never Grow Up
Can you guess what we did today? Yep, that's our new minivan. Ahhhh! I own a minivan (bottom right). I can honestly say that speaking those words rank right up there with "I'm a stay at home mom" as phrases I thought I'd never say.
The process today was not easy in any sense of the word. I might suggest that it was one of the most stressful mornings we've had in awhile. Here's why:
- Missing document: Chris and I are obsessive when it comes to paperwork so when we couldn't find our car title this morning we both were stressed out. Luckily, you can trade your car in without a title. Who knew? Now we just need to get to the DMV to remedy that.
- Major injury: Ok, maybe not that major, but it felt like that at the time. Without going into the sad details, Robbe took quite a fall at the dealership and ended up with a pretty substantial war wound to show for it. Not stress-free to deal with a hysterical baby mid-car buying.
- Spending money: this goes without saying for us. Chris and I aren't great at spending money. We deliberate and deliberate and then deliberate some more. And a car purchase is definitely no joke when it comes to spending money.
- Messing with our schedule: the car buying endeavor took 3 hours. Three! That's an hour more than they quoted us and an hour past when we needed to leave to make it home before nap. I just feel so sad when my babies are blatantly exhausted and we're schlepping them around. The boys were champions, though, and they handled the whole experience better than Chris and me.
So, there it is. Even though I'm a proud, but slightly hesitant, owner of a new minivan, I refuse to admit I've grown up that much. And farewell, Tiguan. You were a great car and our time together was far too short.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Day 378 | Hiking
The boys and I went on a hike this morning. I use "hike" as a term meaning we walked in the woods about 100 feet to get to a new park. It counts, though, right? We got to cross two bridges and see a waterfall (a very little waterfall), so it was definitely a hike.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Day 377 | Pork Carnitas
I think you realize by now how deep my love for the crock pot runs. If there's anything that makes me a *teeny bit* sad about cold weather disappearing, it's the fact that so many of my slow cooker recipes seem more suited to the fall and winter months.
However, I found this yummy pork carnitas (pork tacos) recipe that is a total summer dish.
Three notes before you try it out:
1. Use the full amount of chipotle peppers. I only used one because I'm a total spice wimp and really regretted it. The tacos need the extra flavor and I'm convinced it still wouldn't be anywhere close to too spicey.
2. Add an onion to the crock to cook with the pork. The recipe calls for raw onion on the taco at the end but I find raw onion too overpowering. This way, I still got my onion but not only onion.
3. Add shredded cabbage when you're fixing them to eat. The tacos need the extra texture and crunch.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Day 375 | Green Thumb
Want a peek into the gardening I mentioned a few weeks back? Here's what I've been working on keeping alive during this unusually warm spring we've been having.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Day 374 | Sleep Tracking
I need sleep. My body now seems permanently programmed to wake up a billion times a night since being catapulted out of my normal routine since having Robbe. Since being pregnant with Robbe, now that I think of it. I should have seen that as a warning sign, I guess. He's sleeping fine now, though, in case you're curious.
After failed attempts to try obvious sleep aids (ear plugs, no caffeine, melatonin, white noise, etc), I decided to kick it up a notch and ask for a Fitbit for Mother's Day. Basically, it's a glorified pedometer but, and this is the important function, it tracks sleep! I know it has its limitations, but for the most part I want to know if I'm really awake for as long as I think I am or if my mind is playing tricks on me. And once that is identified, if I can notice any patterns that appear.
After the first night (see chart above), the verdict is still out. According to the report this morning, I was awake five times (in one night!) and was in a state of restlessness 21 times (whoa.). That sounds about right to me.
We'll see what tonight brings...
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Day 373 | Happiest of Mother's Day
We're busy celebrating the total joy of being a mom today around here but I needed to take a second to give necessary kudos to four unbelievable moms that I've been lucky enough to grow up with.
1. My mom, obviously. I'm one of the lucky ones here. I call the same woman my mom and my best friend. Her knowledge, independence, work ethic, compassion for others, and no nonsense demeanor have always been, and continue to be, an inspiration to me. She's one of the strongest people I know and I'm lucky every single day that I got to grow up with such an amazing role model in every sense of the phrase.
2. & 3. My grandmas. I'll lump them into one just because it feels right. Although I've had two very different relationships with these women (one was local, one was not), they have always been examples of how to foster a happy family life. In two very different situations, they managed to raise children who genuinely enjoy spending time together and have developed a sense of family that continues to be passed down from generation to generation. That's all I can dream of doing for my babies.
4. My mother in-law. She may not have been someone I grew up with (except for the last 13+ years, that is), but she raised my perfect soul mate and for that I'm eternally grateful. Her empathy, generosity, and optimism never cease to amaze me. I couldn't have asked for a better family to fall into.
1. My mom, obviously. I'm one of the lucky ones here. I call the same woman my mom and my best friend. Her knowledge, independence, work ethic, compassion for others, and no nonsense demeanor have always been, and continue to be, an inspiration to me. She's one of the strongest people I know and I'm lucky every single day that I got to grow up with such an amazing role model in every sense of the phrase.
2. & 3. My grandmas. I'll lump them into one just because it feels right. Although I've had two very different relationships with these women (one was local, one was not), they have always been examples of how to foster a happy family life. In two very different situations, they managed to raise children who genuinely enjoy spending time together and have developed a sense of family that continues to be passed down from generation to generation. That's all I can dream of doing for my babies.
4. My mother in-law. She may not have been someone I grew up with (except for the last 13+ years, that is), but she raised my perfect soul mate and for that I'm eternally grateful. Her empathy, generosity, and optimism never cease to amaze me. I couldn't have asked for a better family to fall into.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Day 372 | Saturday Stroll
Despite the debilitating back pain I have (thanks, two babies still in cribs), we managed to motivate ourselves and, more surprisingly, convince Chase we should go for a post-dinner walk tonight. He still doesn't really understand when we don't have an answer to, "where we walkin' to?"
Friday, May 8, 2015
Day 371 | Lunch with Daddy
The boys and I headed down to the Hill this morning. We had fun at a park we used to visit all the time, did some train watching at Union Station like the old times, and enjoyed lunch in Chris's office while watching more trains.
I still miss the Hill...
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Day 370 | Official Baby Model
Ever since Chase was a wee baby, we knew he had the potential to be a baby model (like all parents think). Today this thought became a reality, though.
We got Chase's school pictures back and included in the photo envelope (aside from the best photo ever) was a letter stating his was "one of the better school portraits we have done this year" and they want to use his photo for publicity next year. See? He's going to be famous! There's a definite possibility that this letter is included in all the envelopes but I choose not to believe that. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Day 369 | Walking
I realized I haven't given an update on Robbe's walking status since he's taken off. He started committing to walking back at the end of March but it took a few more weeks before he made the total transition. But as of mid-April, the appeal clicked and he's walking about 95% of the time now--just dropping to hands and knees when he really really wants something (and he needs to beat his brother to that something).
There's really nothing cuter than a little early-walker. He sticks his belly out, holds his hands up high, and takes the sweetest little stutter-steps. Oh, and there are a few tumbles thrown in there, too.
My opinion about having spring babies being the best continues to hold up: walking in time for playground season? Woohoo!
There's really nothing cuter than a little early-walker. He sticks his belly out, holds his hands up high, and takes the sweetest little stutter-steps. Oh, and there are a few tumbles thrown in there, too.
My opinion about having spring babies being the best continues to hold up: walking in time for playground season? Woohoo!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Day 368 | Chase Mart
Chase has really been honing his customer service skills at Chase Mart (his grocery store, obviously) since his birthday.
Grandpa Paul and Uncle Brian would be so proud. He's going to be ready to take his own shift at the store when we're back Wisconsin this summer. Even down to the "Welcome to Chase Mart," "Is there anything I can help you find," and "Thank you for shopping."
Special note: Thanks to Uncle Brian and Aunt Tera for the great cash register birthday gift!
Special note: Thanks to Uncle Brian and Aunt Tera for the great cash register birthday gift!
Monday, May 4, 2015
Day 367 | Kitchen Helper
This is the scene in my kitchen not only every day, but several times a day. Whenever I'm in meal prep mode, Robbe goes into emptying, I mean, rearranging the cupboards mode. It's really helpful (can you sense the sarcasm?).
At least it keeps him entertained.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Day 366 | Solo Time
Chris was sweet enough to take the kiddos on a "Boys Day" adventure this morning so I had some quality solo time. Woohoo!
My choice of activities? Long, quiet walks, people watching while knitting, and lunch all by myself. Intermixed with all that? Listening to the Serial podcast (so good!). I'm already 9 episodes into the 12 episode series. It's addicting. I've managed to listen to all 9 episodes in three days but only because I ducked out during nap yesterday to grocery shop (with earphones in) and cleaned the house (with earphones in) on top of this glorious baby-free morning.
The real question is how long it'll take for me to get through the last three. I'm guessing next weekend.
The real question is how long it'll take for me to get through the last three. I'm guessing next weekend.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Day 365 | Elephants
Today could not have been more gorgeous. We took full advantage of this happy surprise by heading to the National Zoo (along with the rest of the city!).
Robbe got to meet his favorite animal up close: the elephant. He was over-flowing with excitement the entire time. And kept bellowing like an elephant for the time we were around them. So sweet.
Robbe got to meet his favorite animal up close: the elephant. He was over-flowing with excitement the entire time. And kept bellowing like an elephant for the time we were around them. So sweet.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Day 364 | One Whole Year
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The boys and I frolicking this morning at the National Arboretum. |
But first, I'm going to start the tradition of posting last year's blog post from this date as a throwback: Capitol Play Time. See any resemblances to today's photo? My idea of recreating the scene from last year. I promise this won't become a tradition!
And now the best of the best blog posts, in my opinion and in no particular order:
- Playing Tourist
- Depicting Motherhood
- Happy Father's Day
- Sunday Shopping
- Feeling Nostalgic
- It's Nice to See
- Favorite Things Tees
- Homemade Baby Food
- Toddler Travel Tips
- Books for the Babies
- On Being a Stay at Home Mom
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