Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 52 | Vacation Begins Today

A deep sigh of relief...a much needed vacation starts today. We arrived in Williamsburg this evening but the real vacation started when my parents arrived yesterday.

The boys need some undivided attention.  Chris is looking forward to a break from work. And me? I'm going to soak up as much family help in the childcare department as my mom, dad, brothers, sister in-law, and neices will offer!

Is it terrible that when I took the photo above my first thought was, "oh, such a sweet moment" followed very very closely by the thought, "I'm just so happy to not be the one putting him down for the nap"? Thank goodness for family. 

It's going to be a glorious week. For all of us. 

1 comment:

  1. Hahah, lol.... that would have probably been my first thought, so no judgement here! :)
