Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 109 | Books, Books and More Books

I'm fairly certain Chase is addicted to books. I'm not sure if it's because he really likes the stories or if he realizes when we're reading we'll give him undivided attention (I admit that sometimes I get distracted by other things when we're just playing). After the cold bug struck last week and we were reading constantly, I decided it would be fun to tally how many books we read in a week. Here were the guidelines:

1. Chase had to initiate the reading (except the two before bed). 
2. When he wanted to be done, we were done (no convincing him to read more to pad the total). And don't misunderstand, we still had to cut him off several times (we have to eat, after all). 
3. Length of book didn't matter. We read a bunch of baby board books but the number of crazy long Berenstain Bear books (and others) balanced those out. 

And the grand total is...

88 books in seven days. 

I have to be honest, I was thinking we'd top 100 but 88 still isn't bad for a two year old. And, for the record, I think we would have broke 100 if Chris wasn't off two days last week (we typically read a lot while I'm feeding Robbe). Even if it did lower our tally, I'll still take the time off with the hubbie. :)

In case you're wondering, our total for today is already 17. This kid is a reader. 

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